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13. Never presume to know Her all, for She is greater than any covered by the Sea, and shall be covered again in days to come.
human. For the Mother Who rules the waters and the rocks, the skies and
the pits, will have Her own, and none shall gainsay Her.
For the Earth-Mother is the Sea-Mother, Who arose from the waters
to become the Goddess of Love and Life, and Who therefore bids us
to Love and Live.
Ea Leukothea, Ea Yemanja, White Goddess of the Waters! Hail to
Thee, Sedna and Nerivek!
And when our loving and our living is at an end, we shall return to
the Sea, our Mother; where for every weakness there is a power, for
every hurt a cure, for every sorrow a joy.
Long and live and consider: How wondrous are the works of the

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