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Shane's balls, then the skin behind.
A soft groan sounded and Shane's top leg fell forward,
letting him in, hips tilting toward his touch. So pretty. So
damned ready. Galen opened Shane up with his fingers, two
of them pushing right in. "Been needing."
Shane nodded, the action baring the nape of Shane's neck
for him. "Yeah. Like an ache you can't rub away."
"Sure is fun tryin'." That vulnerable nape was more than
he could stand. Galen bit at it, licking to take the sting out, a
third finger joining the first two in Shane's body.
That got him a groan, Shane riding his fingers, rocking for
him, pushing them. "Yeah..."
That was just more invitation than one man ought to get,
and all he needed. Galen pulled his fingers free, and slicked
Rain and Whiskey
by BA Tortuga
himself up. He pushed, easing past the initial resistance of
Shane's body and ending that first thrust seated deep inside.
"Oh ... That's fine..." The words were soft groans, Shane
reaching back to stroke his hip, his leg.
So fine he could hardly stand it. Made him stop, breathe
deep. "God, Shane." He moved then, lips and tongue working
Shane's skin, hands moving Shane into a soft, easy motion.
Easy as breathing, but so much hotter, they rocked and
shifted. Shane turned his head, mouth marking the inside of
his arm. Yeah. Just like that. Galen groaned, loud and strong.
His hips rocked, his breath started to come short. He reached
around, fingers stroking Shane's nipples. Lips and tongue
became teeth, scraping his skin, those nipples going hard and
tight, body squeezing him good and tight.
"Shane!" Faster. He had to move faster. The pressure and
heat were good, so damned good, and Galen went in search
of more, licking along Shane's shoulder. "You're burning me
right up."
One of Shane's hands dropped, starting pumping that
heavy cock, pulling hard. Goddamn. They moved faster and
faster, Galen pushing them now, the position allowing him to
go so deep. He bit and growled, low, desperate words coming
from him. Filthy words, love words. God.
And just like everything else, Shane took it, took him,
nodded and cried out, holding him tight. His hand folded over
Shane's, stroking and pulling, rubbing his flushed face against
Shane's back. "Gonna."
"Uh-huh. Now, love. Len. Now."
Rain and Whiskey
by BA Tortuga
"Yeah. Oh, God!" Galen lost it, his brain going all white
static as he shot, filling Shane deep.
He was still buried deep when the world all came to rights,
Shane relaxed and sated in his arms. His heart was still just
pounding, sweat running down his back. Random tremors
shook his muscles. "Jesus fuck, lover. That was..."
Hell. He didn't have words. Shane nodded, fingers twining
with his, holding on, squeezing. Galen settled, stroking
Shane's hand, content to just settle for awhile.
Sooner of later they'd get to his plan. He wasn't in any
hurry. He'd make sure Shane didn't go anywhere anytime
* * * *
They napped and bathed and made coffee and pancakes
which led to Galen standing behind him, helping him flip
them, which was sexy and fun and just cool as fuck all at
once. Of course, pancakes led to syrup led to kneeling in front
of Len at the breakfast table and sucking the sweet right off.
Which led to more nappage, this time out on the deck in
the late afternoon sun.
He was on his belly, soaking up some rays, trying to figure
how bad he wanted a drink if he stood up, he'd lose his
perfect spot, his sunbeam, and what was comfy and right now
would be gooey and sticky after digging in the fridge. Of
course, eventually he'd dehydrate...
That took a while, though...
"You want anything?" Looked like Galen'd read his mind,
rolling up to stand next to him, shading him for a minute.
Rain and Whiskey
by BA Tortuga
He let his eyes drag up along that fine bod. Yeah. Always.
"My kingdom for a glass of water."
"Sure thing." Galen just grinned and headed off, those
long, long legs left bare by a little pair of cut-offs.
Oh, that was enough to make his position on the chair just
a little less comfortable, his prick liking that look, yessir.
The front view was just as good if not better when Galen
came back and handed him a fancy bottled water, icy cold
and all. "You look fucking decadent, Shane. I like it."
He took the water and drank deep, the cold hitting his
belly like a weight. "You bring it out in me."
"You think?" Galen sat next to him, pressing an even
colder bottle of water against the small of Shane's back.
His thighs parted, back arched. "Cold."
"Lord, Shane. That's fucking sex on a stick." That cold
bottle pressed against his thigh, condensation running down
between his legs.
"You're one to talk. Damn." The cold felt fine, brought to
mind the afternoon Len'd brought out a bowl of ice and ...
Damn. Yeah.
Galen's shadow got closer, and then Galen's mouth was on
him, licking up the line of water, teeth just threatening.
He groaned, toes curling up, the deck chair creaking.
"Mmm. You taste like sunshine." Galen nuzzled in, mouth
moving on his skin, hands sliding up his calves. He purred,
just like that, melting, moving under Len's hands. Galen was
Rain and Whiskey
by BA Tortuga
just going to town, moving up and up, teeth nipping at him
hard enough to sting. "Your ass just makes me insane."
He wriggled, the chair threatening to tip. "You want to take
this in to a not fixing to fall surface so I can touch, too?"
"Hell, yes. Got the air on in there, too." Galen got up, held
down a hand to help him up too. "Let's go."
He let Galen help him up, pushing close to rub against that
heat before pouring the rest of his cold water down Len's
spine and running like hell. He heard Galen yelp, and his chair
crash to the deck as Galen maybe ran into it. Soon after the
thunder of Galen coming after him sounded loud, and Galen
caught up to him at the bedroom door, taking him down on
the bed in a move that reminded him Galen had been semi-
He oofed and the breath whooshed out of him in a rush,
ass pushing right back into Len's belly.
"God, darlin'. You feel good. Feel even better when I ...
there." Those itty cutoffs dropped next to him on the bed,
Galen lowering back down, skin on skin.
"Oh..." He nodded, pushed and rubbed, jonesing on the
heat, the pleasure.
"Yeah." That hot prick was sliding against his ass, hard and
wet-tipped, just pushing and pressing. Then suddenly,
shockingly, Galen was gone, rolling off him.
"Len?" He turned, reaching for his ... for the strong arm.
"You okay?"
"Hell, yes. I've not been so all right in my whole life. But
I'll be damned if I'm gonna let this weekend get away without
Rain and Whiskey
by BA Tortuga
having my way with you." Galen's eyes twinkled, and the man
lifted his fingers to lick them. "Stretch out on your back."
Oh. Oh, fucking cool. He traced Len's lips, legs sliding
around so he could lie back.
"Now that's worth looking at." That voice was as sure a
caress as Galen's hands, sliding up his legs and hips, over his
belly to his chest. His nipples got pinched and rolled, Galen
watching him closely. His teeth sank into his bottom lip, his
thighs going hard and tight, sensation shooting straight
through him. Bending, Galen licked each small bit of flesh in
turn, biting gently, blowing on them. "Been wanting to do this
a long while. Hold still."
Len reached over to the bedside table and picked up that
little chain with the clips, holding it up for him to see. "This
gets the least bit bad, you holler like crazy."
Oh. Oh, he'd ... Yeah. Damn. And probably ow, but...
He nodded, groaning a little. "Hollering I can do."
"Good. Take a deep breath and let half of it out. Let the
other half out when I put the clamp on, okay?" Waiting for his
nod, and for his deep breath, Galen opened one of the little
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