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94 Dawn Forrest
At first he didn t understand, and then it clicked that she was
apologizing for her strong scent, even though it was an involuntary
physical action by her body in response to them, her mates.
 It is natural and much wonderful and not to be making apology
for, my mate, he said as softly as his passion-roughened voice would
allow and stepped forward to gently take her hand in his.
There was an initial spark on contact, like a circuit suddenly
completed. Oh God, he was about to lose it big time if he didn t focus
hard. He needed to get the formalities over with quickly.
 I am Yuri Volkov, and this is my brother Vladimir. We are
Alphas of the Siberian Pack, sons of Dmitri Volkov, Prime of the
Russian Packs and Alpha of the Moscow Pack, and Eva Loge,
formerly of the Viking Pack. We are very much pleased to be meeting
you, our true-mate, Joanna Akara.
* * * *
His voice set her heart racing, but his touch made her want to
weep for the reverent tenderness of it. They both bowed formally to
her. Yuri softly, carefully kissed her hand, and then without letting go
he moved aside to let Vladimir do the same with her other hand.
Vladimir kissed her knuckles. His lips lingered on the backs of her
fingers, and he lightly, seductively, scraped his sharp teeth over her
skin. Holy cow, if a simple brief touch of their lips to her hand caused
such warmth and excitement to flood over and through her, what
would lingering contact of a more intimate nature do? She had the
thrilling thought that she might not survive it.
 Please, be calling me Vlad. He spoke softly, but his deep tones
resonated with desire.
Growl for me, big boy, and make me purr. His voice led her
thoughts toward all sorts of sexy fantasies, and she took a moment to
Alphas Prize 95
 You look identical, although there is a faint difference in your
scent. She paused and sniffed, looking puzzled.  No, not your scent
exactly, something else, more like your& essence. She shrugged
because she couldn t quite explain it.
They both gave her a devastating smile and did not release her
hands from theirs.
 No one is being able to tell us apart before, Joanna. Vlad
emphasized the syllables of her name as if all the sounds of that one
word were precious. Even his dodgy grammar was sexy.
She observed that they were like piano keys, dressed in black and
white leathers and with opposite hair coloring, yet they belonged
together. How strange it was to be so sure of something and someone
that she d only just met.
 I I have no experience of Pack life, and until yesterday I had
never spoken to another Were other than my mother. What happens
She really was at a loss as to how to proceed. All she wanted to do
was indulge herself in her mates, to feel them everywhere, to take
them inside, to consume and be consumed.
 Do not worry, my mate, we will give you very much good
fucking. Vlad purred the words.
Joanna took a sharp intake of breath and creamed herself while
Yuri glared at his brother.
 He means that we will begin mating courtship and wish to love
you, Joanna. Vlad is not so good with English, Yuri quickly
Joanna wasn t convinced that Vlad hadn t said exactly what he
meant. It was confirmed when he deliberately sniffed the air and
zeroed in his gaze on her crotch. He slowly raked his gorgeous,
greedy, gray eyes up and down her body before staring into hers and
murmuring,  Yes, much fucking love.
96 Dawn Forrest
Oh God. With the promise of near-future embarrassment, a damp
patch was forming in her panties. Her private parts tingled, with the
understanding that they wouldn t be private much longer.
 I I think I d like that. She could think of nothing else that
would relieve the tight, throbbing need now centered in her aching
pelvic core.
Vlad suddenly swept her off her feet and carried her inside. When
she heard the door click shut she tensed with anxiety. She now found
herself on the wrong side of a sprung trap.
 Do not be afraid, Vlad murmured against her hair.
Jo knew that she should be taking notice of the room, the doors,
the windows, where the kitchen and the knife block were, but she
didn t want to move her face that was snuggled up to Vlad s neck. He
smelt of fertile desire, sex, male, and dominant beast, yet also of
belonging, security, and home. She knew without a shadow of a doubt
that there was no way she would be able to resist them on the full
moon, and she simply did not want to resist them now.
Vlad spoke quickly in Russian to Yuri, and she could feel the
rumble in his chest against her breasts. In response her pelvic muscles
clenched again, and she became even slicker between the thighs. She
felt a large hand stroke her hair as Vlad kissed the top of her head.
She raised her face to look at the man holding her in his arms as if
she, who stood at six foot, were some petite damsel in distress. Well,
she was darned distressed all right, with a desperate need to get naked
with these two.
For a moment there was a still silence. They were like racers on
the blocks waiting, anticipating the starter gun. Then she reached up
and clasped her arms around Vlad s neck.
 I am not afraid. I realize now that I ve waited for you.
She pulled his face to hers and, aroused beyond endurance, she
poured herself into that first kiss, brazenly announcing her lust and
intent. She d had very little experience, but it didn t matter because
Alphas Prize 97
instinct and desire drove her to one quintessential, potent, and
persistent need. Take me, take me.
Her soft lips molded perfectly with his as he accepted her clear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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