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spare room converted into an office and one fairly
decent sized bedroom. Dane pursed his lips as he
looked at the bed. No way would all three of them
fit on the full-sized bed in there right now. Even a
Queen sized mattress would be a tight fit for all
three of them but there wasn t room for a king
sized bed in the room so a Queen would have to
do. They d have to see about replacing that as
soon as possible even if they have to use the
excuse that she wouldn t want to sleep in a bed
that someone else has already used when there are
so many germs and viruses out there.
Dane almost chuckled when Kyle also
commented on the sleeping arrangements. That
bed has to go pronto. There s not enough room on there
for one of us to sleep with her, never mind two and no
way can we be as energetic as we ll want on a bedframe
that looks like it could snap in half with a good breeze.
He couldn t agree more. Satisfied finally that no
one was hiding in the closet, Dane and Kyle
headed back toward the living room, which was
Designed Seductions
decorated in browns and tans. Not very
imaginative, but then again this apartment was to
be used as a stepping stone into something better
once Alexsia got her feet on the ground.
Unsure where to sit in the living room, Dane
and Kyle tried to take their cues from Alexsia, but
she wasn t much help, sitting in the corner of the
couch, leaving two couch cushions, a loveseat and
a recliner available. Shrugging, Dane sat himself in
the far corner opposite Alexsia on the brown
microfiber couch. Kyle, like the feline he is, curled
up on the floor right in front of the sofa, his head
resting on the palm of his hand as he watched the
woman he couldn t wait to claim.
When the silence seemed to stretch unbearably
long, Dane cleared his throat and began speaking.
 As you know already, I m a vampire. Most
vampires take one mate, one being who calls to
their soul and completes them. Their mate isn t
always the opposite sex. There is one family
though who tends to form rare triadic mate bonds.
I m a member of that ancestral line. Not every
member of the line forms this type of mating, but a
good majority does. I m over three hundred and
fifty years old and in all that time I haven t found
a mate, never mind two, though I ve had a couple
of close friendships along the way that were as
close as a bond as I thought I d get. That changed
about a month ago.
Bonnie Rose Leigh
Dane paused to catch his breath and Kyle tried
to get into a more comfortable position without
making it obvious that he sported yet another
 What changed last month? Did you find your
mate? she asked, looking between where Dane
was tucked into the corner of her couch, within
touching distance, and where Kyle laid sprawled
on the floor.
 About a month ago, I noticed that I started
looking at my best friend differently. We ve been
as close as brothers for over a hundred years. If
were mates, it would have been obvious from the
first moment we met, so the fact that I started
having erotic thoughts about Kyle made me
pause. About that same time, I noticed that Kyle
too started showing signs of mating and yet not.
Neither of us felt the emotional bond, just a
physical attraction. That is until today, when you
walked into the diner.
 Me, she squeaked, sitting up straighter in her
corner of the couch. She started twisting her
hands, looking from Dane to Kyle and back again.
From his spot on the floor, Kyle chuckled.
 Yeah, you, he agreed.  You have no idea how
uncomfortable I ve felt for the last month, having
these erotic thoughts about my closest friend, a
man I ve considered my brother from the first day
we d met. I ve never been interested sexually in a
Designed Seductions
man, and to all of a sudden start having erotic
dreams of my best friend, well it has been a long
month, let me tell you.
 So what does it mean? she whispered.
 It means that the three of us are mates. Not
just that we re your mates, but that we are all
mates to each other. In other words, eventually the
three of us will desire each other despite our past
sexual preferences.
Dane waited while he let the information he d
just given process. He had no idea what type of
sexual morals and ideologies the Fae practiced.
Men having sex with other males could be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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