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unreasonable that they would all work even
remotely together, Terrance. I don t get it.
You will, when you see. There is a need for
immortal species to be united. Even Leticia sees
Emmalia was doubtful, but didn t say anything.
Unless a species was weak, such as the sprites, she
didn t understand why they would want to bother
with the council.
This would be the first time she had seen any of
the council members, even though she was an
unofficial member. Paxton had announced his
intention and Leticia had threatened him. There
was some kind of ordeal with a human he was
apparently harboring in his basement. Emmalia
hadn t asked for details. The end result had been
Courtney Breazile
that the council would vote after this selkie
business was taken care of.
Leticia was determined to have the spot and so
she was coming along as well, trying to prove
herself as the choice for witch representative.
Emmalia wondered if she would feel any sort of
power pull from Leticia. She had been bound to
her all her life, would there be any residual bond?
Emmalia concentrated on her hand in
Terrance s, felt the powerful bond they had, felt
his power feeding hers. No, she decided. There
was no way she would feel anything for Leticia.
This bond with Terrance was stronger than any
she had ever felt with Leticia.
A black Escalade pulled into the lot and
Emmalia squeezed Terrance s hand, then dropped
the connection. She needed to meet these people
with self-assurance. She could feel their gazes on
her through the dark windows. One purple gaze
particularly intense. Leticia was pushing at her,
her fingers of magic were prodding at Emmalia s
mind, trying to get in, testing the bond that should
have been there. Emmalia stiffened and pushed
Leticia away, not expecting it to work. Leticia s
magic disappeared and Emmalia grinned, she had
never been able to push her away like that, the
bond was truly broken.
Full of confidence now, Emmalia cocked a hip
and waited.
Skin and Moon
The first one out of the car was a vampire, black
hair, pale skin and blue eyes, had to be Paxton. He
was stoically beautiful, dressed in black slacks,
white button up shirt and black duster, everything
she would have expected him to be. What she
didn t expect was the almost warm smile he gave
Next emerged a man so beautiful Emmalia
gasped. He was tall, slender and had the longest
whitest hair she had ever seen. His skin was pale
and luminescent, his eyes a chocolate brown. He
was dressed very traditional elf, loose flowing
pants and tunic. His mate followed, the mermaid,
Rina. She looked like Beach Barbie, only a little
more slutty. No wonder Terrance hadn t pushed
the issue of how she was dressed. Rina wore a
strapless hot pink minidress and silver stiletto
sandals, tan skin and flashing silver eyes. She was
quite beautiful. Her red curls, a little wild, around
her face made her look innocent and air-headed.
Emmalia could understand why a creature like
that would need the protection of the council. She
could also see why the selkies would hate them so
much. All mermaids looked similar to that.
A tiny blue light flew out of the car, the sprite.
Sprites were tiny creatures, basically what humans
thought of when they imagined a fairy. Helpless
luminescent creatures, they flitted around on
sparkling wings. There were Water Sprites, Earth
Courtney Breazile
Sprites and Air Sprites. This was a Water Sprite.
Emmalia could tell by the blue light it shined. Air
Sprites were white and Earth Sprites were yellow.
A huge man emerged next, brown eyes, white-
blond hair and behind him jumped a white wolf
that rushed to play with Terrance s. This was his
brother, Ian. Ian was dressed casual in jeans and a
tight fitting black t-shirt, very similar to Terrance.
Another wolf jumped out, small and red, then a
pretty little female. She could only be Alexia, the
werepire. She had shoulder length red-brown hair
and freaky eyes, one brown and one blue. Her
skin was pale as a vampire s and she was quite
pretty. She wore jeans as well and a form fitting
long sleeve shirt.
Leticia was the last one out. She avoided
looking at Emmalia, but fussed around,
straightening her miniskirt and tube top. Dressed
all in black except for the blood red thigh-high
boots, she was a stunning site as usual.
Brother! Terrance boomed beside her and
pushed her forward toward the group. He
embraced his brother in a back-slapping hug that
sounded like it would have broken all the bones in
her back. She looked on uncomfortably as the
others eyed her with curiosity.
Emmalia, it is wonderful to meet you. Paxton
stepped forward and took her hand gently, laying
a chaste kiss on her knuckles.
Skin and Moon
Yes, I m very glad you are all here, willing to
help with this situation.
It is the council s goal to mediate such
situations. I m glad you have agreed to leave the
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