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racing as he moved his hands along her back, rubbing them against the sensitive skin of her lower
He rubbed his hand over her thigh, spreading her legs wider, his fingers rubbing along the waistband
of her pants. Soon, her clasp was undone, and she was wiggling to get out of the bothersome material.
She didn t want anything separating them, there were far too many clothes in the way.
He slid the pants over her hips, tossing them out of the way, and the feel of his soft slacks on her
naked thighs was a new sensation, one she liked very much. He continued caressing her legs, his hand
sliding higher until he brushed against the satin of her already wet panties. She was aching for him,
more so than she could ever remember before.
 Please, Max, she begged him, needing him to touch her. It had only been a little more than a week,
but she missed his touch. She craved what only he could bring her.
 Open your eyes, he whispered as he swiped his tongue across her bottom lip. She barely managed
to slit them open. He looked deep into her eyes as his finger easily slid into her aching body. She
clenched around him, the feel of his hand caressing her most intimate place almost sending her
cascading over a cliff.
 You re so beautiful, he said huskily as he moved his hand in and out of her body, his thumb swiping
against her swollen nub.  Yes, let go, he continued seducing her with his hands and words. He
tugged on her neck, bringing her mouth back to his as he continued to caress her moist heat. She felt
bold and beautiful, and wanted more. He slipped his finger inside her again and she exploded in a
flash of color as he slowed his movements, drawing out her pleasure. She collapsed against him,
feeling sated for the moment.
He lifted her in his arms, his body shaking from his own aroused state. He quickly walked the short
distance to her room and laid her on top of the blankets. She felt her body quickly become aroused
again as she watched him shed his clothes in record time. His glorious body rippled in front of her in
the pale moonlight, shining in through the small window. She felt herself quivering, wanting him to
join their bodies together. She loved him, and making love with him, knowing he felt the same was
taking her to a place beyond ecstasy.
He bent over her, stripping her remaining clothes off, then bent his head to kiss her again, as he
rubbed his body over hers. She felt the press of his arousal against her core, and spread her legs
wider, wanting him to sink inside her.
He moved his mouth down her throat, scooting further down the bed. She shook her head no. She
wanted him pressed into her, now. He ran his hands over her aching breasts, rubbing her beaded
nipples between his fingers, causing new sensations to rush through her body. Then, he bent his head
and fastened his mouth around one aching bud, sucking it within his mouth, rubbing his tongue along
the rosy peak.
Her back arched off the bed. His hand came up and rubbed her other breast, squeezing the nipple,
causing her to cry out in pleasure. She couldn t take anymore. There was too much sensation.
 Please, Max. I need you so much, she begged him. He moved quickly up her body, needing his own
fulfillment. He tested her heat, satisfied she was ready for his solid manhood. As he slipped his
tongue back into her mouth, he thrust deep inside her body. They groaned in unison at the exquisite
pleasure of being joined together.
He grabbed her hip, raising her higher so he could move deep within her folds, thrusting fast and
hard, giving them what they needed. Her body ached as the pressure built in every sensitive place
within her. The faster he moved, the more she wanted. She was greedy for everything he could ever
give her, and more.
She raked her hands down his back, pulling him tighter, not wanting even a scant centimeter between
them. Their bodies slid against each other as a fine sheen of sweat built up on them. She pushed her
hips toward him, meeting his every thrust, reaching toward release.
He pushed deep inside and she shattered. Flashes of light appeared beneath her eyelids, as she
exploded in a wave of pleasure. She couldn t believe how she shook with release not long after he d
already sated her body. He shook above her as her body gripped him tightly, pulling him even deeper
inside her.
He cried out as he pumped inside her, spilling his seed deep within her womb. After a few more, far
gentler thrusts, he collapsed on top of her, his head cradled between her breasts, his breath warming
her already hot skin.
They remained lying there for several moments, both of them trying to get their breathing under
control. Finally, she couldn t breathe with his weight on top of her. She didn t want to move, but she
certainly didn t want to suffocate after so much pleasure. She laughed with joy and humor as she
pushed on his shoulder.
 I d love to lie like this all night, but you re a bit heavy, she said.
 Oh, really, he teased back, but turned so he was on his back and she was draped over his body.  I
think I passed out there for a minute, he told her as he gently brushed her hair from her face.  I love [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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