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this diamonds-and-caviar crowd. Refusing to cower, though, she raised her chin and squaring her
shoulders, sauntered up to the granite-topped front desk, where a smiling woman greeted her.
 Welcome to the Catalina Couture Resort. We re delighted to have you on our opening day.
 Thank you, Haley replied as she reached into her purse for her identification and credit card.
Though her room was free, she would definitely take advantage of the room service options. This was
the vacation of a lifetime and she was going to enjoy every moment, even if she had to plaster a fake
smile on her face.
 Your reservation is all set, Ms. Sutherland. I ll just have you sign right here, and our bellman
will assist you to your room and explain about our services. With a smile that still betrayed a hint of
awe, Haley thanked the woman, grateful for her genuine kindness that somehow settled her nerves,
then followed a young man to the elevators, where he pushed the number for the tenth floor.
When she d won this vacation, she hadn t thought she d get the top floor. This was truly a cream-
of-the-crop prize. She d have a nice view of either the ocean or the island.
As they began the short journey up, Haley turned toward the kid assisting her.  Do you enjoy
working here?
His eyes glanced down, but not before settling a split second longer than usual at her chest as he
replied.  We ve only done training so far, but yes, this place is the breast& I mean& um& best! he
exclaimed; his face reddened and he stared at his shoes in mortification.
Haley could fully understand the poor kid s feelings. She had put her foot in her mouth more often
than she cared to think about. Patting his shoulder, she waited for him to look up again, which he did
with obvious reluctance.
 Don t worry about the slip. I do it often, she said with a kind laugh. Well, not that particular
slip, but&
He breathed out a sigh of relief and his eyes practically worshipped her. If only she could speak
to men she was attracted to as easily as she spoke to service employees. It was just that she felt closer
to the workers, as if they were her kin, because she d been raised by her grandparent s staff members.
 You have one of our larger suites, reserved for our VIP guests, the boy said as he stepped from
the elevator. He escorted her a short distance down the hallway before sliding a card into a key slot
and then holding the door open for her to walk in ahead of him.
 Perfect, Haley gasped as she glanced around the spacious living room area. The scent of roses
drifted to her from the large bouquet on the coffee table  with a box of chocolates next to it. The
furnishings were antique, matching much of the resort decor. Across the room, opening onto a private
balcony, were ornate French doors displaying a spectacular ocean panorama.
At least if she couldn t find a man to teach her all she wanted to know, she d spend two fabulous
weeks in complete paradise. This room was too good to be true, and she hadn t even wandered into
the bedroom yet.
The young bellhop began telling her about all the amenities of the resort: spa, gym, room service,
lounges, and more. She didn t really care. She could learn all of that by looking through the catalog on
the small desk in the corner.
She just wanted some food and a lot of sleep.
When he finished speaking, she handed him a nice tip and moved him toward the door. He smiled
in delight before finally departing. Not wanting to wait for room service, Haley ripped into the box of
chocolates, then walked to the small fridge and found a Coke.
Grabbing her sugary dessert, she carried them to the bedroom, where she smiled in pure
happiness. The four-poster king-size bed was heaven on wooden feet. She ripped off her pants and
shirt, dived onto the bed, and wriggled gleefully under the covers.
It didn t take her long to devour half of the box of chocolates and guzzle down the Coke. She knew
she should at least get up and brush all the sugar off her poor teeth, but the feather pillows were
calling her name.
With a sigh, she gave up the fight. Closing her eyes, she indulged in her first good nap in ages.
How could she do anything other than relax while in such a fantastic place? Tonight, she needed to be
fully alert when she went on the prowl.
Chapter Five
Haley awoke with a huge yawn, stretching her arms above her head until she grasped the headboard.
She d left the curtains open and she watched as the last rays of a spectacular sunset glowed through
the huge open windows, a salty breeze blowing in from the Pacific Ocean.
A smile flitted across her face as she let go of the deep cherry wood and sat up. Her days of finals
at school and planning her summer assignment had worn her out and she hadn t rested this well in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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