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touch you again, she whispered.
He stiffened as her breath warmed the skin at the base of his throat. He knew it wasn t sexual on her
part, but damn, it felt good. Her fingers twisted in his hair and she pressed herself tighter against him, her
breasts flush against his chest.  I missed you, she whispered.
It was those three words, the utter lack of pretension on her part about her feelings that kicked down the
wall he d managed to rebuild after she d shut him down on the street. The evil that consumed him while
he was a shadow still tingled in his body, but her total trust in him, her need for his touch yanked him right
out of the shadow and into a sense of lightness he hadn t felt in decades, if ever.
He groaned and let himself bury his face into the softness of her hair, drank in the scent that was hers,
basked in how tightly she held onto him, relished in the fact that sheneeded him. Paige, with all her purity
and embrace of life, neededhim, an evil bastard with no redeeming traits at all.
She pulled back slightly and he reluctantly let her go.
But she kept one hand on his waist, and hesitantly lifted the other to touch his cheek. Her fingers traced
along his jaw, and he faded into absolute stillness, so as not to scare her off.  I saw your skin turn black.
And your shoulders were smoking.
 I went into shadow form to escape it. Took me a while to regroup.
Her face fell.  Idid hurt you. She pulled away and shoved her hands in her pockets, hunching her
shoulders.  Dammit. You re all bad and I still hurt you?
 I m fine as long as you don t slam that blackness into me. It was just getting hit that hard all at once.
He rubbed his hand over her shoulder, grinning when she didn t push him away.
She bit her lower lip.  What if I can t help it? I don t have control.
 I do. If I see it coming on, I ll get out of reach. Okay?
 You re sure? She wrinkled her nose at him, but he saw her beginning to relax. Saw the sparkle begin
to return to her face.
 Trust me, I m capable of handling it. I m fine. Actually, his body still ached from her touch . . . no, not
his body. His soul. His soul felt like it was weighted down with lead and couldn t break free. She d damn
near killed him. Paige was powerful enough to shift the balance of power in the Otherworld . . . and the
mortal world.
The Council and the Men in White would be absolutely right if they decided she needed to be eliminated
before she came into her power. If he had any sense of responsibility to the greater good, he d kill her
now, before she could destroy everything.
She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.  Good. I didn t like being without you.
He stared down at her.Screw the Council and the Men inWhite. She was paying him to keep her
alive, and that s what he d do. The fate of the world wasn t his problem. He dropped his head to plant a
quick kiss on her mouth, groaning when her lips parted under his instantly. Her tongue flickered into his
mouth and for a moment, he kissed her back, yanking her against him.
But when she sighed and leaned into him, he clenched his jaw and pulled back.  Fuck. You re difficult to
She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling.  Women love to hear that kind of thing.
 Yeah, well, I didn t mean it as a compliment.
Her smile widened.  Even better. It wasn t insincere flattery. It was from the heart, and that makes it
 You re a little bit crazy, you know that, don t you? But hell, he liked being around her. Too damn
much, he was pretty certain. He tucked his hand under her elbow, searching the street for cabs.  We
need to get out of here. As he raised his hand to hail a cab, he felt her studying him.  What?
 That was you I felt watching me, wasn t it?
 You re creepy when you re in shadow form.
He couldn t help but smile at her word choice as the cab stopped and he opened the door.  Creepy?
Haven t heard that used to describe me before.
 Yeah, well, I know you were going for ominous and deadly, but it didn t quite work. She ducked
under his arm and climbed into the cab and immediately tugged off her sunglasses, blinking at him.  But
what s with the evil mojo? You re completely different when you re in human form.
He shoved in next to her, barely able to fit his legs in the small area in front of the seat. He gave the
driver an address on the Lower East Side, tensing as he settled back in the seat and thought about where
they were going.  Back when shadow warriors guarded the gateways, we went into shadow form to kill [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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