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military are the lines of defence for the order of this relationship in
Society. Anarchist violence is the shattering of this order, the
reclamation/expression of our power and the rupture of the
complicity of the submissive crowd. It is the seizure of the existent
reality and the beginning of its destruction.
III. Life obtains value based on the choices every individual makes. CCF
It is obviously still needed to say that when anarchists use force, it is
never indiscriminate. The civil anarchists, whose sole domain really
is in the realm of politics, react to the rhetoric of terrorism which
is imposed by the State by merely repeating their dogmas about
risking the lives of postal and clerical workers. It s clearly a
matter of technical and operational questions, to strike the intended
target, but I won t cry for the secretaries of Swissnuclear(1), the
Chief Director of Equitalia(2), nor for the boss of Ansaldo Nucleare.
Nor will I be alarmed if an employee of an embassy is harmed, for
everyone other than idiots understands what those places represent.
The new anarchist guerrillas don t look for clemency based on their
clear targeting but express their opposition in their own terms in
their own ways.
IV. The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction
William Blake
The civil anarchists draw the same line as the Marxists regarding the
criminals and themselves: Good people who are within the
laws of their self-designed parameters of behaviour and the bad
people who are condemned by their rules. Outside of the UK many
of the comrades have a much closer relationship to violence and
criminality through bank robberies, organising attacks, fierce
demos, stealing, fraud, counterfeiting etc. and added to that
possibility the experience of clandestinity or living underground.
Illegalism is the bread of the insurrection. Many have gone to prison
already and we can learn about their cases in many places. In the
UK there is a widespread lack of experience concerning the
organisation of the attack, the recognition of the ideas and
relationships of the affinity groups to the criminal acts . Going
beyond the law is part of developing the anarchist-insurrectional
project and this is part of the reason why the civil anarchists despise
and neglect the cases of the imprisoned and fugitive comrades-
because they reject their actions, the tendencies of attack and the
global discourse of anarchists of praxis. Individual acts of violence/
negation which are not approved by their group-think are regarded
as part of the criminal or terrorist sphere and smeared as
provocations. In this way, the civil anarchists become part of the
discourse of power and compose themselves as a sector of
Ask yourselves, in all their rhetoric of the worker - where is the
criminal ? Not all criminals are rebels but there is an entire
world which is not touched upon. It is not a mistake, the civil
anarchists despise criminals and do not seek the end of prisons,
simply their reformation. They are scared of the anti-social mob,
King Mob, who has come back to torch all the houses of the politico-
meritocrats and burn the city, because the civil anarchists are the
cops of the future .
For the civil anarchists, essentially in their Christian-socialist
thinking, the worker is simply one who toes the line in their
projection, does what everybody else does, does not take more than
he is due as a worker and will only ask for more, but seldom take.
The criminal does not toe the line, she is an Outsider. The criminal
takes what they want, even more than they need, and bows to no
one. The criminal is not to be managed by the civil servants or the
civil anarchists, and so the criminal is excluded from their
conversation. Or suppressed. It s the same process for the
uncontrollable Unique.
V. For us, there is no middle ground. They who declare openly their
anarchist intentions are facing a decisive dilemma, to either act or give up
anarchy forever. There can never be anarchy at the rear of coffee shops and
gossiping& Either act or shut up&
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire-FAI/IRF
Consciousness Gangs-FAI/IRF
Sole Baleno Cell
Attacks are the primary goal of the new anarchist urban guerrillas,
to disrupt the patterns of activity of functionaries, conduits and
engines of the economy-megamachine, and to spread terror amongst
the included classes. Destruction of banks, businesses, electrical
infrastructure, internet transmission, mobile phone, television, radio
antennas and attacks on technologies of domination might not be
properly defined as violence or terrorism , but the blows they
inflict are troubling enough to the authorities to be regarded as such
by them. Property destruction aggravates the enemy and the
submissive crowd, and has a clear insurrectional purpose. I reject
the non-violent label often attached to actions of sabotage, and
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