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 Okay, have your fun. Josh folded arms over his chest, nodding his head.  Go on. I m the short guy,
the stocky little Alpha. Have your laugh at my expense.
Hayden began laughing even harder.  I m sorry& seriously, you are& 
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Cooper Davis
 Short. Josh s face burned and he grinned at the floor.  Like I said, have your fun. I deserve it after
that stunt with your window.
Hayden waved him to silence.  No, I was going to say that  short is like the last thing I d ever say
about you. Hayden turned all the way around in his chair, a disbelieving expression on his face.  You
really are kidding, right?  Stocky little Alpha ?
 You ve got at least five inches on me.
 I doubt it.
 By the way, used to be four. I calculated. Josh walked closer and sat on the other side of the table
from Hayden.  But damn if you didn t keep growing, you sneaky bastard. Even more than I did. You must
be a solid six-feet-six now.
 Which makes you six-feet-one, Peterson. Only an Alpha would ever consider that height  stocky. 
Josh laughed.  Well, compared to a big Alpha like you, Hay, I do feel short.
Hayden averted his eyes, his face flushing visibly.  Are you saying& you like my size?
 You have a body that s just made to be worshipped, Josh murmured reverently, unable to keep his
feelings on the matter to himself.
 Funny, Hayden replied slowly, as if considering the matter.  That s exactly what I always thought
about your body. Hotness incarnate, I remember that s how I used to think of it. Hayden drew circles on
the table with his fingertip, keeping his gaze down.  Well, how I used to think of you, actually. Every time
I got around you, just one look and I was like, I don t know, in heat or something.
Josh cleared his throat, desperate to know if he had any hope of reclaiming that affection and desire.
 And& now? he asked, his voice husky as it ever got.  What do you think now, Hayden?
Without any warning, Hayden s rich blue gaze lifted, locking with Josh s. Then, Hayden s black
lashes lowered slightly, so that he stared up at Josh through them, an absolutely sensual expression on his
face.  Isn t it obvious? Hayden s lashes lowered a little more, creating the most utterly fuckable
expression that Josh had ever seen on any person s face male or female.  Wasn t it always obvious, that
sexed-up reaction you got out of me?
An absurd case of shyness swamped Josh in all of a second. He just sat there like some sort of mute,
rubbing his neck and grinning like a fool. Well, and feeling his balls draw tight like they were winding up
for a very fast pitch, with his hard-on offering itself as the required bat.
Finally, a semblance of Josh s mind returned, and he cleared his throat.  So, uh, let s talk about this
elders thing.
Hayden frowned back in silent reply; it was absolutely the most dumbass topic Josh could ve possibly
raised. But, despite his desire to drag Hayden back to his big ole bed, it was too soon to try something so
blatant, and the truth was, Josh had to keep their process moving forward.
 Was it your idea? Hayden asked him, point-blank.
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Bound by Nature
When Josh didn t answer at first, Hayden scowled.   Cause, I already told you, buddy, it wasn t
 I m well aware you didn t come up with the plan, Josh said, shifting his chair so he was facing
Hayden better.
 So it was yours? Hayden persisted.
Josh smiled sadly.  No, it really was all theirs, he admitted.  But I would have come for you in the
next few months anyway.
Hayden cocked his head, clearly taken aback.  Why? I mean, after all this time, you were planning to
look me up& or something?
 Yes, in another eight months. That actually was my timetable. Josh flinched, thinking of the two
men who had wanted to hurt his lover.
 I don t understand, Hayden answered, brushing long fingers through his hair with an absent gesture.
 Eight months? It would have been almost six years since& I mean, what would have been the point, all
this time later? We never even had much, Josh. Hayden leaned back in his chair, intelligent gaze trained
on him, and Josh could practically see the man s keen mind shifting puzzle pieces, trying to see where this
conversation was leading.
Hayden continued, voice intense.  Why were you even still thinking about me after all this time? Why
would you have a plan an actual timeframe for coming to see me? We didn t have a real relationship,
nothing. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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