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the parade...
A much younger girl who I took to be Amy rounded the corner. She had on a short
nightgown. The professor cleared his throat.
 This is my research assistant Amy Purvis. Amy, this is Marina, Martin Vanderpool s
Amy came up and shook my hand,  Congratulations, you must be so proud! The whole
faculty is thrilled. I looked over at Ethan and he was speechless.
I was confused.  I don t understand, I said.
A figure came hurrying down the dock with a flashlight, and Professor Milton rushed over
to intercept him,  Sorry to trouble you, false alarm, it s just an old family friend! Nothing at all.
The harbormaster looked annoyed and grumbled something to the little man as he turned and
left. Professor Milton returned to us.
 You haven t heard the news? he asked.
 What news?
 The prize? Your father?
 What prize what happened?
 Martin has won the Nobel prize! It was announced today. He was nominated for his work
fighting hunger in Africa and he s won! We re all absolutely over the moon about it! Of course
they ll be a major gala when he returns from Afghanistan. We re forming a committee to select a
delegation to attend the award ceremony in Oslo this December.
 Wow! I said numbly, still in a state of shock,  That s great news. I started backing away,
 My friend and I should really get going... I m so sorry to have disturbed you. Ethan and I beat
a hasty retreat.
 Tell your father congratulations! he called after us.
Once we got past the gate Ethan looked at me, shaking his head,  Never a dull moment with
you, he said, deadpan. He bent down,  Jump on. He carried me on his back down the dock,
weaving through the crowds of spectators. I wrapped my arms around his neck and went limp
with relief.
 Thanks, I said,  That was weird.
 Yeah, I thought I was going to get nailed for sneaking around and get my dad in trouble.
What s he going to say to your father? he asked me.
 Oh, I doubt he ll be saying anything about this little incident, I said.
 Why? Ethan asked, surprised.
 Because Amy, I tried to suppress a snicker,  Is not Mrs. Milton. He laughed about it as
he carried me back to his apartment.
Abby and Dutch were out on the boat, so we had the place to ourselves. Ethan sat me down
on the couch and took off my shoes to inspect the damage. Peeling back my socks and bandages,
he blanched.
 Marina, some of these cuts need stitches! He looked at me incredulously,  There may still
be glass in them... you have to see a doctor.
 Oh, I said meekly,  I was hoping they d just close up...
 Are you crazy? he said,  What were you thinking coming over here like this?
Tears welled up in my eyes as my hard facade began to crack. My voice was shaky as I
groped around for my shoes and socks,  I m sorry, I d better go home. I guess I m just so tired
I m not thinking straight. I didn t want to worry you...
 Stop, he said,  Wait a minute. Ethan got up and headed for his room. He came back with
a fresh pair of socks and put them on me. He scooped me up off the couch and carried me down
to his truck.
 Marina, you ve got to stop worrying about everyone but yourself!
We drove a short distance to an emergency medical clinic and he carried me in. He stood by
my side trying to distract me, while they injected painkillers and cleaned my wounds.
 So, he said, smoothing back my hair and taking my hand,  A Nobel prize. That s a big
deal. How come you didn t know?
 I didn t check my mail today, I said,  And he didn t call. My dad s more into his work
than awards and stuff. I smiled up at him from the table,  He s kinda crazy that way.
 I think crazy runs in the family, he said, squeezing my hand.
All I could feel now was a tugging sensation as they sewed up the two main cuts. I was
given some antibiotics to take and Ethan was sent out of the room.
The doctor sat down and lectured me about waiting so long to seek medical attention. He
told me I was lucky I came in before an infection could set in, and said that I needed to stay off
my feet for a few days. Then his tone became serious as he handed me a brochure about teen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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