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 Uh-huh, Christopher said.  Yet you had no problem forcing Mr.
Thorton to raise funds by appealing to the public for the creation of
said program via the United Shifter Mission and the Shifter Coalition.
The cancellation of the university s titled support would not in theory
affect the funding of said program given the fact that none of the
funds for either the external signup website or the instructors who
volunteered their time for the camp would be affected. He made a
note on the yellow pad.  Yet you refused to release the funds back to
the charities that gave the donation designated for said camp.
Furthermore, you forbade Mr. Thorton from volunteering his private
services. Anyone see where the problems in these arguments lie?
Silence greeted his statement.
Mikey tried very hard not to grin like a fool. Stick it to  em, Chris.
Collin s suggestion for a lawyer was perfection. His mate really was
Finally, after what seemed like eternity, Nathan swiveled his chair
toward Mikey.  What would be your ideal outcome for this
He glanced at Chris, who nodded his head in approval. They d
talked about this prior to the meeting.  I would like to be reinstated in
my job because I do excellent work, and I would like the approval if
not the endorsement of the university to run the shifter camp. I don t
care if we have to move to a separate location or whatever. I want to
do what I promised the community and the child athletes of this
138 Jana Downs
community I would do. I m not trying to be disrespectful. I m trying
to do what is right.
They glanced at one another again like a bunch of sheep. Mikey
prayed that there would be a shifter elected to this damn board soon.
It would put a little diversity on the panel.
 We will discuss and reconvene in half an hour, the head of the
board said, his lips pressed into a thin ugly line.  You may wait in the
He and Chris got to their feet and made their way back out the
door. He dug his phone from his pocket and saw a text message
already waiting for him from Collin.
Congress didn t pass the bill. *happy dance*
He smiled.
Good! We re waiting for them to make a decision.
Almost instantly the reply text arrived.
You ve got this. They ll rule in your favor.
 You think they ll fire me? he asked Christopher as the man
made several more notes on the pad.
Christopher smiled, revealing stark white teeth.  Usually it only
takes a lawyer showing up before people fall in line at these kinds of
things. If not, we can take it farther. You ve got a good case.
Reassured, Mikey replied.
Christopher seems to think so. Love you.
Now that he d said it, he couldn t stop saying it. He saw more
stability and possibilities in their relationship than he ever had in his
Thrice Bitten 139
marriage, and he couldn t wait to tie the knot in the human way. Both
of their families would be flying in late summer to make it official.
Thirty minutes later, the door to the conference room opened.
 Come on in, Michael, Nathan said, looking considerably less
nervous than the first time Mikey had walked through the door.
His chest tightened a little as he took his seat once again.
 The board has decided to reinstate you to your full-time
position, Nathan said, leaning back in his seat.  And if you remove
all university logos and mention from the advertisement, we are
willing to allow the camp to take place as long as you realize that any
additional expenses will be up to you or private donations.
It wasn t exactly a complete win, but Mikey would take it.  All
right. I appreciate the compromise. When do I start back?
He nodded.  Sounds good. I ll see you then, Nathan.
As he left the building, he felt a renewed sense of purpose fill him.
He would continue his work at the university, but he would also
continue to support his student athletes. If the university wouldn t
make the shifter s summer camp an annual thing, Mikey would.
He dialed his lover.
 Tell me good news, babe, Collin said instead of hello.
He grinned.  They re reinstating me.
Collin let out a whooping cry on the other end of the phone that
made him laugh. His lover s enthusiasm was always nice to hear.  I
told you everything would be okay!
 Yes, Mikey said.  Yes, you did. I think Christopher helped. He
imagined they would ve been infinitely more aggressive had he not
had a lawyer sitting by his side.
 I m glad. I was a little worried, but I knew you could charm the
pants off a snake. Collin paused.  Of course I would have to wonder
why a snake would be wearing pants to begin with. Hmmm& why
would a snake be wearing pants? Or is the snake in someone else s
pants? Like a pants leg?
140 Jana Downs
Mikey cracked up.  What the hell are you talking about, babe?
Collin giggled.  I have no idea. I m just so happy for you I m
He really was adorable when he did that.
 I can t wait to marry you, Collin, Mikey said, heading toward
his car across the parking lot.  You re my everything.
 We re already mated, Collin reminded him.  The wedding is
just a big party for our friends and family. I couldn t think of a man
who I wanted to spend my life with more than you.
 Yeah? How do you feel about lunch at my house? Let the
secretary field calls for the afternoon. Call it an early day.
 Why s that? Collin teased.
 Because I want to spend my afternoon wallowing in my mate s
bed. That s why.
Mikey hit the unlock button as he approached his big SUV. He
wondered if he could get a hybrid of the same make and model. It was
a thought. His lover had made him aware of his carbon footprint and
Collin s voice was a guttural purr of want when he spoke.  Hmm,
I could accommodate that, bull.
 I love you, Collin. And he did. He still might not have deserved
Collin, but he was working on and that was all his mate asked of him.
 I love you, too, Mikey, Collin said.  Come and get me.
He twisted his ring as it sat on his finger, the engraving branding
his skin with the truth of the words. Third Time s a Charm.
Thrice Bitten 141
Late Summer
 I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss your
mate, the officiate announced as they stood before one hundred of
their closest friends and family.
Mikey grinned down at Collin with that same gorgeous smile
Collin had fallen in love with almost a year ago. He wore a sharp
black tux with green accents, picked out by Adam of course. Their
little ring bearer stood between them looking more than a little bit
bored by the entire thing. He d been excited at the rehearsal but now
he was over it. He was being very patient though. The kid definitely
deserved some cake.
Their lips met, and the sweetness in the kiss warmed him all the
way down to his toes. He drew back after the cheers made his ears
ring. Their friends threw flower petals at them as they each took one
of Adam s hands and walked with him back down the white aisle that
ran the length of the field.
He was very glad that they chose to have their wedding at a rustic
retreat. By staying in and around the honeymoon cabin, he would
finally get to let Mikey relax in his shifted form and be technology
free for an entire week. Plus this way Adam could stay with them
over the long weekend before having to go back to school.
 Can we have cake now? Adam asked as they passed the last row
of chairs.
Collin smiled and nodded.  Yep. There will be lots of food and
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